
Neue Schule Trans Angled Lozenge Eggbutt Bradoon Bit 55 mm rings
If your horse or pony is inconsistent into the contact or a ‘head nodder’, the Neue Schule Trans Angled Lozenge Eggbutt Snaffle & Bradoon Bit offers the stability within the mouth needed to boost the horse’s confidence causing it to seek the bit taking the rein forwards. It is very beneficial for short tense necks, and also excellent for directional control. Unlike traditional Eggbutts, with the Neue Schule Tranz Angled Lozenge mouthpiece, feel and response is not lost and the mouthpiece is so comfortable that the horse will not fix against the hand. This neat lightweight bit is popular in a double combination, as a snaffle under saddle or for showing in hand.